Karduvic Civil War

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Karduvic Civil War
Vye Kàrjàvyer vye ngò dur ep
Location Karduv
Result Defeat of Republican forces, establishment of the Kingdom of Karduv by the Royalist Army
Republic of Karduv The Royalist Army
Commanders and leaders
Yup Zing Pye Mai Chyo Ngò†, Va Bung
Casualties and losses

The Karduvic Civil War (Karduvic: Vye Kàrjàvyer vye ngò dur ep) was a conflict in Karduv lasting from 1904 until 1910. The war came following the overthrow of the Mai Dynasty, a dynasty which had fled Karduv following their overthrow in Qonklaks. The war was fought primarily between the Republican and Absolutist factions, splitting the country down the middle.


Karduv in the early 20th Century

At the turn of the 20th Century, the Mai Dynasty, which had now ruled Karduv for X years, was floundering. Striken with large amounts of debt and having lost a disasterous war to Mai Thi, the dynasty was losing support amongst much of the general public. The Emperor at the time, Mai Chyo Ngò, had failed to fix many of these problems, and spent much of his time ruling in decadence, and allowing the many bureaucrats of the nation to seize more and more power. The endless corruption and neglect caused a young intellectual, Zhèr Terve Dè Yàr (later called Yup Zing Pye), would rise to prominence. Educated in and inspired by the system in Yachiro, he started the Karduvic Revolutionary Party and began publishing pamphlets about his cause. Terve would be jailed several times for this, however, it didn't stop his activities, and each time, he would simply bribe his way out of prison. His movement continued to gather more and more support, and even received endorsements from leaders in X. X

Revolution and overthrow of the Emperor

On 20 January, 1904, revolutionaries lead by Terve would storm the palace in Vordeng, with support from the military in the capital. The revolutionaries quickly captured the Emperor and placed him under house areest, proclaiming the new Republic of Karduv, headed by Terve. Immediately following this, there was severe disagreement between the military high command and the revolutionaries as to what to do with the Emperor. The revolutionaries wanted the Emperor put on trial, and potentially executed, while the military high command was more in favor of a constitutional monarchy. As the two parties bickered, the Emperor was able to escape, and attempted to flee West towards Ru, but he was caught and moved back to Vordeng. The military high command was now in a panic, as they were convinced the revolutionaries would now seek to execute the Emperor for his cowardice. Seeking to prevent the worst, they initiated a preemptive attack on Vordeng, capturing the Emperor, and forcing the new republican government to flee West. The military high command proclaimed the new Kingdom of Karduv in April, and established a regency council and parliament, along with Royalist Army. Both the Republican and Royalist governments soon denounced each other as rebellious traitors, and proclaimed themself as the true government of Karduv.

Course of the War


The Royalist Army quickly seized the East, home to a majority of Karduvic people, and the lowlands surrounding Vordeng and the X River. The Republicans moved to a temporary capital at X, in the Province of Ngyulu, and enacting martial law. They also received pledges from the governors of many western provinces to join and provide troops for the Republic. The first few months of the war saw very little fighting, as both sides organized themselves, and prepared to take out the other in one swift offensive. On June 11th, the Royalist Army began their first offensive, pushing up X River and defeating the Republicans in the Battle of X. The Republican Army, underequiped and undermanned, quickly began to buckle under the pressure of the organized Royalist Army. The advance was finally held back at the X and X Rivers, smaller tributaries of the Big!X River. Terve realized that without support from other nations, he would be unable to withstand the force of the Royalist Army, and quickly began approaching neighboring countries in order to secure support. Chief among these supporters would be Mai Thi, who provided weapons, funding, and advisors to the Republicans in the X treaty, signed on September 22nd. Using this, the Republican forces won the major battles of X and X, and were able to push the Royalist Army back to the Big!X River and its largest(?) tributary, the Tiyine Tung River. By the end of 1904, the Republican forces were poised to retake Vordeng, with the Royalist Army now on the backfoot.


With the Republicans on the offensive, the Royalist Army decided to switch tactics, and began to dig in at their current positions. They hoped to win a war of attrition, as they held the major centers of population, and believed they could bleed out the Republican forces before mopping them up entirely. The Republicans were reluctant to attack these positions, but in the end, they decided that if they didn't attack now, it'd be even harder to later. The resumed their offensive on February 10th, attacking Royalist positions in the Battle of X. The offensive was quickly halted, and under Royalist General X, the Republican forces were repelled in a phyrric victory. Battles continued to be fought along the defensive line, but ultimately no territory changed hands in the North. In the South, the Royalists managed to achieve a handful of victories and advanced close towards the Westernmost edge of the Tiyene Tung River by March 24th. In these southern campaigns, the young soldier Va Bung would start to make a name for himself. On April 11th, the Republican forces would again make a push towards Vordeng, under Republican General X, the Republicans speared forwards and driving the Royalist forces from their trenches in the Battle of X. They surged towards the city, and ordered a general attack along the front lines as they came within sight of the capital. They engaged the defenders at the Battle of Vordeng on April 25th, and just before winning a victory, General X was ordered to pull back, as other Republican forces had failed to break through the Royalist line, risking encirclement. The Republicans retreated, and by mid July they had been pushed back to the Big!X River border between Karduv and Sia Be. Progress began to slow, and near the end of 1905, there were little changes in territories held, and the war began to devolve into a slugfest of trench warfare.


By early 1906, little had changed, and the Maithic supplies began to gradually slow. Though the Republicans had managed a small successful central offensive in Mid-February, they were beginning to worry that the Royalists would simply starve them out. In response, Terve once again approached Mai Thi. He hoped that if he was able to secure an alliance, their combined forces would be able to wipe out the Royalist Army in a surprise maneuver. He held several secret meetings with Maithic representatives, and drafted the Veyir Agreement, in which Mai Thi would pledge military support in return for ethnically Maithic provinces in the West. Despite these negotiations, the President of Mai Thi, X, refused to go through with the agreement, citing X. By this point, the Royalists had found out that the Republicans were attempting to solicit support from Mai Thi, and decided to restart an offensive, concluding that their forces were unlikely to put up much resistance. On May 30th, the Royalists launched a massive attack along all fronts, first driving past the middle of the Tiyene Tung River, and then following up with a push to the South, once again reaching near the source of the Tiyene Tung by the end of July. The final push was made in the North, and by September 14th, the situation in the North had returned to how it was in 1904. Despite having achieved the upper hand, the Royalists once again started to dig in, awaiting the next move from the Republicans. Much to the dismay of lower officers in the army. The Republicans were once again able to regroup, and prepared to reorganize a pushback against the Royalists.


1907 opened with little to no action, as the months of January-May passed with nothing more than skirmishes along the new front lines. Soon, in June, the Republican forces were once again able to secure supplies and funding from Mai Thi, and resumed the war. On June 23rd, Republican forces started a general offensive, with minor success. The Royalists were once again driven to the Big!X River border between Sia Be and Karduv in the North, and driven to the borders of the Veyir Province in the South, but the Republicans, under General X, were unable to break through the central defense of the Royalists. Leaving the situation at a stalemate again by September. Talks of a compromise or ceasefire began, as both sides began to feel exhausted by the constant pushing and pulling of the war. Even though the war was beginning to slow, the Royalist Government was unwilling to compromise, and secretly began reaching out to nations that might be sympathetic to their cause.

The Ruhmyan-Karduvic Royalist Pact

In late 1907, high ranking Karduvic and Ruhmyan officials met in Northeastern Qonklaks, and began to negotiate what would become the Ruhmyan-Karduvic Royalist Pact, a secret agreement between the monarchical Ru, and the Kingdom of Karduv. The pact stated that Ru would provide military supplies and funding to the Royalist cause in exchange for a land trade. After the Civil War, Karduv would give up most of its sea access, in exchange for the Ruhmyan (state? province?) of X, which would be given special rights and priveledges. In addition to this, Ru would also keep Maithic supplies out of Republican hands by declaring war on Mai Thi, in order to reclaim the mostly Ruhmyan coast. The pact was signed on February 4th, 1908.

Downfall of the Republic


In early March, after months of little to no fighting, the Royalists suddenly ended any and all negotiations with the Republicans, and prepared to resume the war. This was immediately followed by a Ruhmyan blockade of the Republicans, shocking many nations in Soltenna. With the confidence of Ruhmyan support, the Royalists began an attack on April 13th, fighting up the big!X River in the North, and harassing Republican forces in the South. By early June, the Northern defenses had all been crushed, the most shocking defeat came at the Battle of X, where X. The South, under the command of Va Bung, then began to tear their way northwards, scorching any land that belonged to a Maithic, and shattering Republican defenses at X and X. In August, all was lost, and the Republican forces decided to pull from their defenses, and leave Vezur to the Royalists. By October, the Republicans had regrouped, and established solid lines of defense along the hills of central Karduv. They pushed back any further Royalist moves as they dug in and waited for potential support from Mai Thi.


By August of 1909, little had changed in the front lines again, as Royalist momentum died down again. The Republic of Karduv and neighboring Mai Thi started being overwhelmed with refugees, Maithics fleeing West from Va Bung's destructive campaign. This caused much unrest among Karduvic population centers, as the war and the blockade were beginning to take its toll on the citizens. Riots were frequent, and many soldiers ended up deserting, or defecting to the Royalist cause. The largest blow to Republican forces came on August 28th, when Ru declared war on Mai Thi in the Coast War, ending all subsidies to the Republicans.
