Prefectures of Lugida

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CategoryUnitary state
Created byNational Subdivisions Act, 1874
Number35 prefectures
– 26 proper prefectures
– 1 capital prefecture
– 6 urban prefectures
– 2 special prefectures
Populations616,194 (Tenko) – 13,613,021 (Natlia)
SubdivisionsMunicipality and equivalent

The Prefectures of Lugida (Lithian: Amirsega), alternatively or in historical contexts the domains of Lugida (Gan), are the 35 first-level administrative divisions of Lugida. These are classified into four; two special prefectures, six urban prefectures, one capital prefecture of Natlia and the remaining 26 proper prefectures. The system was established in 1874 by the then-newly established Lugid government to replace the former Kingdom of Melunair's system of circuits and domains, hence the term 'domain' for prefectures.

Prefectures are divided into municipalities known as cities, towns, and in urban prefectures, wards. Governors are elected in five-year terms. They have the administrative and judicial authority within their prefectures' boundaries while in respect to the central government of Lugida; the national government may prevent a prefecture-level ordinance from entering force especially when it is not compatible higher-level laws such as an Executive Order, acts on the National Code, and the Constitution. However, this doesn't necessarily apply to special prefectures, who can enact prefectural ordinance that override some higher-level laws.


Amirsega is a Lithian word that translates to "prefecture", derived from amir "office" and sega "land"—meaning "office of the domain". Amirsega is also used to refer to other countries' first-level administrative divisions and may also be translated to mean "province" or "subdivision" depending on context.

Prior to the formation of prefectures, the circuit and domain system was used. Starting from 1386 during Forian Kingdom rule, the core territory was subdivided into four circuits, corresponding to territories of the four member kingdoms of the Forian League. These are further divided into domains called gan. The Kingdom of Melunair subdivisions adopt a similar structure. Following their conquest of now-southern Lugida in 1730 the kingdom retained the Forian domain borders and made them part of a single, large circuit. This lasted for nine years before Melunair redrew its borders on its newly incorporated southern portion, parting them into four circuits.

With the formation of the Republic, the administration in 1869 began consolidating smaller domains to form the prefectures of Lugida, abolishing the circuits in the process. Initially there were around 128 prefectures corresponding to the Melunairi domains, and in 1874 the consolidation process ended at 38 prefectures with the National Subdivisions Act. Amirseget has replaced gan as the official term for the subdivision, although the latter is still used informally and in historical contexts. Lugida's six circuits are now used to designate the regions of Lugida.

Initially there were no special designations for prefectures other than the capital Natlia, as acknowledged by the National Subdivisions Act. In the 1920s, Melon Prefecture requested greater autonomy as a Melune majority region. Their request was accepted in 1930 with the Local Autonomy Act, creating and granting them the "special" classification, which would also be granted for Chora Prefecture in 1976. The ordinance also created urban prefectures, first granted for Eldin and Tokhan. These have higher urban populations compared to other prefectures and were the second and third largest by population respectively. In 1979 four more prefectures became an urban prefecture. The National Subdivisions Act has been amended three times—in 1930, 1956, and 2000—most of which concern the prefectures' extent of administration and power.




Proper prefecture (Sefirtama), or simply prefecture, is the status designated for 40 out of the 47 prefectures. Normal prefecture governance laws apply. Forming the administrative divisions of the proper prefectures are municipalities termed into districts, towns, or cities. Most municipalities are districts while towns and cities are used for more populous municipalities.


Urban prefecture (Sefirnawa) is the status designated for Delan, Hara, Kito, Susa, Thercein, and Tom prefectures. Unlike proper prefectures, the prefectural government vests more power over its territory, and functions normally assigned to municipalities are relegated to the prefectural government. Otherwise its laws of governance remain similar to that of a proper prefecture. Urban prefectures are subdivided further into wards as opposed to districts, cities, and towns, although Delan Prefecture still makes use of the term 'district'.


Special prefecture (Sefirsiva) is the status designated for Gerupa, Lenthir, and Melon prefectures. Special prefectures are unique in that they have greater autonomy rights and can enact laws that may override higher-level laws except the Constitution, structure their own system of governance and administrative divisions, and assign official regional languages. For example, the government of Melon Prefecture has the Council of Melon in place of a prefectural parliament and lacks a governor, whose role is served by the Council as a whole.


The designation of capital prefecture (Sefirkiwa) is given only to Natlia as the national capital of Lugida in which the national government has direct control of the prefecture's administration. Municipalities of Natlia are termed officially as capital wards but often referred to as simply wards.

List of prefectures

Type Lithian term Quantity
    proper prefecture Sefirtama 37
    urban prefecture Sefirnawa 6
    special prefecture Sefirsiva 3
    capital prefecture Sefirkiwa 1
Prefecture Capital Largest city Region Population Area (km²) Density (per km²) Code
Ade Ferhira Hetaf LG-AE
Amu Renibre Melunair LG-AM
Angiten Tenzel Hetaf LG-AG
Ashinte Rumlana Akomere Galen LG-AX
Athira Zelika Adegint Hetaf LG-AT
Dampatu Kammot Ikhelet LG-DM
Davi Thabrem Macara Galen LG-DV
Delan Kirna Melunair LG-DE
Dira Hammoir Golan LG-DI
Elam Fercair Tengitra LG-EL
Ferain Satna Ikhelet LG-FR
Gakhaila Motseir Kharchem Ikhelet LG-GL
Gerupa Kenlok Golan LG-GE
Girkau Mairapha Hetaf LG-GK
Golan Hamipha Golan LG-GO
Guntram Kalikair Matluk Hetaf LG-GT
Halok Thakaf Galen LG-HK
Hara Theres Melunair LG-HA
Helin Santika Hetaf LG-HE
Jaka Ren Kaliel Tengitra LG-JA
Kam Sefer Melunair LG-KA
Kito Hikit Tengitra LG-KT
Kiret Himotseir Melunair LG-KR
Kribre Kribre Golan LG-KB
Kuradala Betreter Ikhelet LG-KU
Lenthir Madam Tekairfent Galen LG-LE
Melcair Tendel Melunair LG-MC
Melon Achihera Melunair LG-ME
Nairmeri Sekiret Kammeri Melunair LG-NI
Namir Namir Ikhelet LG-NM
Natlia Kairai Taramot Tengitra 16,813,021 LG-NA
Nida Gairshara Melunair LG-ND
Ravaho Imelnavi Melunair LG-RA
Renikhel Amratide Ikhelet LG-RK
Riet Wilia Tengitra LG-RE
Roset Tennida Hetaf LG-RO
San Magi Thukha Ikhelet LG-SN
Sharjai Tharefet Hetaf 616,194 LG-XA
Susa Mielus Tengitra LG-SA
Talni Sidon Melunair LG-TA
Tashrenet Renlife Golan LG-TX
Tazu Todor Shinhan Galen LG-TZ
Tenluhan Thasma Mono Golan LG-TL
Thercein Bet Halon Tengitra LG-TC
Thugint Thugint Galen LG-TH
Tigra Seirji Ikhelet LG-TG
Tom Kenasha Tengitra LG-TO

See also