Cannibalism by country

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Cannibalism is defined as the eating of the flesh of one's own species and, in many countries, the flesh of other sentient species. It is illegal in the majority of nations wherein it is considered immoral and repulsive, while other countries allow it with varying stipulations. It may also occur in small amounts even in countries where it is not legal; likewise, in places where it is technically legal, it may not actually be practiced.

Some countries which generally ban cannibalism may have specific "shipwreck clauses" or other situations in which the usual law is waived.

Countries with legal cannibalism


Cannibalism is legal in Achiyitqana but tightly regulated. There are two legally sanctioned forms: funerary and subsistence. The former type is referred to as a consumption funeral and practiced by some minority ethnic groups of the vodholk species and is protected under Achiyitqan law as a religious practice. The latter is performed only in times of great destitution and famine, and almost never occurs in the modern day; it is similar to a standard shipwreck clause but requires that the consumed person either die of natural causes or willingly sacrifice themself for the survival of others. In cases where a person is killed and eaten without their permission, criminal charges of murder or manslaughter and desecration of the dead will be pressed.

It is never legal to consume the flesh of a non-citizen or to sell any part of a deceased person as a commercial product. Furthermore, the consumption of a sentient person by a member of a different genus is universally prohibited.

Consumption funerals

Consumption funerals account for approximately 16% of all Achiyitqan vodholk funerary rights or about 2% of all Achiyitqan funerals. It may also be practiced by votef and human Achiyitqans with close ties to vodholk communities. In this rite the deceased is consumed by family and close friends and, in smaller communities, neighbours and village elders.

Mourners must apply for a permit to hold a consumption funeral and it is illegal to hold one without informed consent of the deceased (given before death) or their family (if under forty months of age) and a thorough examination by a coroner. In 1986 strict health and safety guidelines were introduced in Achiyitqana which require specific cleaning, handling, and preparation of the flesh and the exclusion of brain, spinal and optic tissues to prevent the potential spread of prion diseases. Depending on the cause of death, certain other tissues may be excluded by discretion of the coroner. These and any other leftover tissues are either cremated or exposed to the elements (in certain restricted locations), where they are often eaten by scavenging animals.

These legal requirements have caused tensions between the federal and local governments, especially after the annexation of the primarily-vodholk states of Tesktóso'et and Puulsuwa in 2009, where restrictions had previously been laxer. There have been several legal battles fought over the right to a consumption funeral where the deceased did not have a formal will or did not state their position in clear enough language.


Tuyo does not have any laws against cannibalism itself, although it is extremely rare and is not socially acceptable. When it does occur it is generally in very poor areas in periods of famine. Those caught committing cannibalism may be tried on suspicion of murder, and the family of the deceased may press charges for the desecration of human remains. Known cannibals are severely socially stigmatized.


Cannibalism is ritualistic in Xhodiar and the most common method of disposing of the dead. It is also practiced by Xhiuists in some other countries, notably the Holy Xhovian Empire. In the Xhovian religion, Harthuun (Xhiuism), it is believed to aid a person's spirit in leaving their body. Its prevalence and combination with the nation's use of penal slavery has led many other nations to worry about the quality of life of its citizens, and the safety of its exported meat products.

In the southern regions of Xhodiar, cannibalism is practiced more frequently, especially as part of other religious rituals. Traditionally, many southern regions believed it acceptable to slaughter slaves and non-believers, but modern laws prevent this. This led of a small 3 month rebellion in 1995 which was settled by the Nguquiang contract whereby the Xhorial government will send any unused human meat to the southern regions to prevent human slaughter.

Because of the cannibalism of Xhodiar, some parents in Hux Kham scare their children by saying "I will sell you to Xhodiar if you keep being naughty!" when their children misbehave.

Countries where cannibalism is illegal


In Komania Cannibalism is considered an act of self-corruption and thus is penalised under the Death Penalty. Following the strict doctrine of the Shabadist state, cannibalism is prohibited under any circumstance and is one of the few laws that are applicable to foreigners under the law of Foreign Neutrality.


Cannibalism is not in and of itself a crime--a person can't be charged with the crime of "cannibalism"--but does fall under the bounds of desecration of the dead and improper disposal of a corpse, which are crimes, and this is how known cases have been prosecuted in the past. Consumption of a sentient being is also considered strongly abhorrent in the native religious practices, which dictates that bodies should ideally be cremated to facilitate the passage of the spirit from the physical to spiritual world. (burial and subsequent decomposition is an acceptable but unpopular alternative) There is no explicit "shipwreck" exception; the taboo is strong enough that many Sanmrans would say it's better to starve than to eat a sentient being, regardless of how they died. (they might not feel the same way if they were in such a situation, of course...)


Tabiqa criminalizes cannibalism under two different laws, the Depraved Desecration Act and the Policies against improper handling of human remains. The former specifically targets "recreational" cannibalism, necrophilia, dismemberment, and other "gross" actions against the corpse of a sentient individual; the latter is typically invoked against morticians, coroners, and others who work with the deceased, but is also the law invoked to punish those who perform cannibalism during famines or other emergencies—a much lesser offense, but one that is nonetheless still punishable by fines or imprisonment (up to 4 years). The Depraved Desecration Act makes specific reference to Xhiuist funerary cannibalism and, as such, has been (unsuccessfully) challenged in court as being discriminatory towards the small Xhiuist population in Tabiqa.