East Mirarian languages

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Linguistic classification:One of the world's primary language families
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The East-Mirarian languages are a widespread language family of at least 50 related languages and dialects predominantly spoken in East Miraria.


The East Mirarian languages are a diverse family spoken natively across the continent of Miraria, from the gulf of Nehil in the east to the Sea of Alpa in the far west. Countries with an East Mirarian-speaking majority include Juhashka, Fazulavaz, Koize, Ensia and Suenia and Ngeyvger; furthermore, prominent linguistic minorities can be found in Athsud, Temay and the constituent country of Kaisen within the Terminian Dominion.

The East Mirarian language family was originally proposed in the 18th century by the Terminian scholar Kjauw Vńhri, who had been commissioned to take a survey of the spoken languages of the Terminian Far East. He noted the similarity between the Mahavic, Ughmar and Hedretic language families; and furthermore, their dissimilarity with the neighbouring Milevic family and the many languages of Parshita. Calling his proposal the Hedreto-Mahavic language family, dedicated schools soon emerged in Phamphar, the capital of the Terminian Far East, as well as in Kúri and the Fazul city of Prels.


The East-Mirarian language family comprises of four widely-recognised branches: