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Zarasaism is an Iovic religion which is the ? most practised religion in Vaniu, adhered to by around ? million people worldwide. It is a cosmogonic dualistic faith with a strong monotheistic association, and it combines elements of early Iovism and pre-Vaniuan faiths. Zarasaism is based on the teachings of Zarasa who through a divine vision sought to reveal and widen Sahar's creation and assert Muhosh's position on the Endless Realm. According to Zarasa's holy teachings, the Endless Realm, of which both the Realm of Gods (alternatively known as the Realm of Bliss) and the Realm of Men are part of, is an endless collection of worlds which constantly interact with each other and are the cause of natural events. Muhosh, also known as Muhe, is the product of evil itself and has survived the Great Fire to continue spreading his deprived will over the Realm of Men. He is, according to Zarasa, the reason for humanity's corruption and evilness and thus mankind should pursue the Golden Path in order to eventually reach the Realm of Gods.

Etymology and meaning

While the term Zarasaism is used as a metaname, the actual autonym for Zarasaism is Şâbân-e Sâğâ (lit: Religion of God) also known as Şêrâza Şâbân. Zarasaism has traditionally been known as Sâgh Şâbân (lit: Sky faith) previous to its regularisation during the Great Horde. Today the religion is known by various names, which can mainly differ depending on its denominations.


Zarasaists believe in a supreme and universal God which strongly differs from other Iovic beliefs, known as Sâğâ or Sâgh otherwise the "Sky God" (Sâğâ and Sâgh derive from PEV *θʲɒɰ meaning "sky"), he is considered nor a representation of Hosha or Muhosh but an independent entity on its own. Zarasa mentions its creation at the seventh day of the the Great Fire marking the day of Sahar's creation. While Sâğâ is considered almighty, his divine providence is often limited to acts of righteousness rather than direct intervention.


Thagha is considered to be the only and true God as written in the Hirimjên,

Endless Realm

The Endless Realm stands for the


Prophet and deities

The Great Fire

The Creation

The Great Prophecy


The Sacred Pillars


The Golden Path



Holy Books




Early developments

Iovism was first introduced to Vaniua in the 3rd Century CE through contact with Letsatian merchants. This introduction is thought to have involved two waves: the initial introduction by eastern Ekuosians, and a later spreading of beliefs and practises considered heretical by Terminians. In Vaniua the port city of Bandigus became the first major regional Iovist stronghold, later becoming the capital of the Vucheshian Red Horde, under which the religion began to spread further afield.

Over time, Iovism began to undergo syncretism with indigenous Vaniuan religions. This syncretism is thought to have shaped early forms of Thagha as an entity distinct from both Hosha and Muhe.


Zarasa, also known as the Heavenly Man, is thought to have born around 480 AD in what is now modern Kaatkukia. He was himself of Tahavic (pre-Vaniuan) descent but was despite his ethnic background closely raised in a Vaniuan household. Little is known about his personal life, most historical records are based upon the Khâramjan, an epitaph written in an ancient form of Eastern-Vaniuan and Ancient Ohanian around 650 AD honouring the life of Zarasa. As described in the Khâramjan he descended from a renown lineage of merchants and was foretold at the age of 16 about his glorious destiny. His path wasn’t marked until his first pilgrimage to the hoḍat (highlands), thought to be located in the Miralayan foothills, where he received the visions of truth and later the first commandments from Thagha. He spent 5 years secluded in the highlands where he explored new forms of theology and gradually submerged himself into Thagha’s Vision of Truth. Upon receiving notice of the death of his mother he was determined to return and knew that his time had come. According to the Khâramjan, through the Vision of Truth, he interpreted the falsity of Hosha and saw the rise of Thagha as the salvation of a doomed world. He concluded that Muhe (God of death and perdition) was responsible for the corruption of humanity. It is understood through his teachings that the Iovist prophets excluding Iovi had forsaken the path of truth and had thus misinterpreted the first commandments of God.

Zarasa was responsible for the formation of the first enlighteners, a group of disciples who closely followed his tenets. During his first years as a diviner he fell into persecution and constant mockery, forcing several times his seclusion to isolated areas of the region. Nonetheless, his influence proved enough for the gathering of new believers, a stage commonly known as the first enlightenment.

The True Vision

Spread of Zarasaism

Theocratic Tradition

Great Horde

Modern day


Eastern Zarasaism


Shawadiism ( Koman: Şâbâdi) which literally stands for the term "tradition" is the most practised denomination in Komania with over 88% of adherents. The Shawadi doctrine is often inclined to a path of strong theology, which can often lead to theocratism if not regulated. As implied by the name, Shawadiism adheres to a strong reliability over traditionalism. Laws of clothing and every-day activities are often very restricted, the law of Shâkash (lit: morality) is often enforced and can lead to heavy penalties if not followed.

Practicers of Shawadiism believe that Tradition cannot be broken, thus, rely heavily on the Holy Hirimjên and often accuse other denominations of their "corruption" concerning morality and every-day activities. Shawadiism evokes a strong belief in conservatism among its adherents, while religious debates and reforms are strongly encouraged, they must always conform with the law of Shâkash. This belief of conservatism results in the degradation and segregation of modern practices and trends, often outlawing any form of customs or commodities that do not follow the law of Morality.

As of clothing, traditional vestment is considered the norm, due to Komania's strong association with symbolic clothing. The use of modern vestments is often seen as Qâshêz "forbidden" or simply discouraged as it is seen "meaningless" or "corrupted". This belief is widely held during prayer times, both women and men must wear a Ghashhana (Ghashhan for men) a religious veil composed of a long tunic, men over 45 who are regarded sage or experienced must wear a dagger representing their social status. Religious clothing in Shabadism follows a complex norm of colouring and religious symbolism, resulting in colourful and attractive vestments. The use of accessories or certain hairstyles can be forbidden depending on their usage, however, earrings are explicitly outlawed during prayer times.

The Holiest Gharam, from the Koman province of Samar, post-classical architecture.


Zekalemism (Balak: Zekalem), literally "new path", is the most practised denomination in Balakia and its traditional sphere of influence. It originally rose to prominence in the mid-19th Century as a reaction against the growth in popularity of Shabadism, but only officially became a officially distinct denomination following the Shozasan Proclamation and the resulting claim to the legacy of the Great Horde by the Balak Empire.

Zekalemists assert that their form of Zarasaism remains closer to the "original" form of the religion widespread throughout the Great Horde, and that the Shabadist interpretation of the Holy Yêhirim in particular is flawed.

Western Zarasaism






Moral Teachings

Holy Temples


See Also