Helsonian Union

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"Helsonia" redirects here. For the subnational division in the Helsonian Union, see Supreme Helsonia.
Union of Supreme Helsonian Republics



Flag of Helsonia State Emblem
"From the able to the needy"
''O Kúúl''
The Helsonian Union after 1942, not including overseas territories.
Capital Kúri
Languages Terminian
Government Kúúlist single-party state
 •  1925-40
name nameson (first)
 •  1999-2005 name nameson (last)
 •  1942-1947 name nameson (first)
 •  2002-2005 name nameson (last)
 •  Adhelsonian Provisional State formed 10 October 1925
 •  Constitution written 23rd May 1942
 •  Union dissolved 8th September 2005
 •  2005 1,195,268 km² (461,496 sq mi)
 •  1925 est. 23,999,214 
 •  2005 est. 47,309,974 
     Density 39.6 /km²  (102.5 /sq mi)
Currency Helsonian Jikew
Today part of  Cerman

The Helsonian Union (Terminian: TBA), officially the Union of Supreme Helsonian Republics (Terminian: TBA), abbreviated to USHR (Terminian: CCCP), was a Kúúlist state in the Terminian Isles, as well as parts of Ekuosia and Miraria. It existed in various states from 1925 to 2005. Comprised of 4 subnational Supreme Helsonias, the economy was highly centralised and power divided between helsonias, with a central government including representatives from each located in Kúri. A one-party system governed by the Popular Kúúlist Party, the Helsonian Union . Although elections in each of the four helsonias were held, these mainly concerned specific issues as opposed to political ideology.

The Helsonian Union had its roots in the creation of the Adhelsonian Provisional State in 1925, when Kúúlist sympathetics within the government of the Three Kingdoms successfully put the Kúúlists, led by name nameson, into power. This sparked a civil war Terminian Civil War between Kúúlists, supported by the majority of citizens, and powerful yet disjointed pro-Monarchist groups, ending in a Kúúlist victory only two years later. The provisional government became unpopular for forcing the relocation of citizens from urban centres into the countryside, and the death of name nameson and the power vacuum that followed led to the Statists, under name nameson, sweeping to power in 1942 and forming the Union of Supreme Helsonian Republics. This period of urbanisation, rapid industrialisation and government restructuring also saw the outbreak of the Great Ekuosian War and the creation of a police state which became infamous throughout Sahar. In 1977, the election of name nameson as Premier (and later General) saw a period of increased liberalisation, as well as the reintroduction of official currency. The impeachment of name nameson in 1999 completely destabilised the realm and arguably led to the collapse of the union 6 years later, in 2005.


The term "Helsonia" comes from the Terminian word "heelsn", meaning "commune".

A number of pre-Helsonian places were called "heelsn", for example, in the late Terminian Empire a "heelsn" was defined as "a small village with less than 100 inhabitants". Although the term is widely associated with name Kúúl due to the fact that he based early Kúúlist thought on mediaeval peasant societies, it was likely popularised later - the first mention of the word in its current context was in 1901.

Geography and climate

The Helsonian Union had an area of 1,195,268 square kilometres (461,496 sq mi) and was mostly made up of tropical savannah and tropical rainforest climate zones. However, especially after 1940, large swathes of the rainforests were cut down to make way for urban development, mass farmland or industrial area. Large areas of untouched rainforest in Helsonia were officially protected from further development in 1987, to preserve the native ecosystem.


Early Kúúlist ideology, modelled on mediaeval Terminian peasant communities, was developed by [name] Kúúl in the latter half of the 19th century, during the reign of Three-King Glorp VI. This period saw a massively wealthy royal family and aristocracy, as well as widespread poverty throughout the Three Kingdoms. The Popular Faction for a Revolution of the Proletariat was set up in 1878, and by 1918 membership had swollen to almost a quarter of the adult population.

Kúúlist Popular Faction and the Terminian Revolution

Adhelsonian Provisional State 1925-1940

Power Vacuum 1940-1942

Great Ekuosian War

"Golden Years" 1950-1975

[name] Coup 1975

Liberalisation and Collapse 1999-2005


Kúúlist Popular Party



Ethnic groups




State Religion

See also