Siyezi civil war

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Siyezi civil war
Clockwise from top left: Loyalist troops in the Svaljem offensive, Republican soldiers looting occupied Tízon, Loyalist trench in the forests near Dúnacan, Republican detachment operating an AA.
Date1942 to 1944
Result "Republican" victory
Supported by:
Supported by:
 Balak Empire
Commanders and leaders

Siyezirepublicflag.png Tayğoşta Davín
Siyezirepublicflag.png Yavizín Racba
Siyezirepublicflag.png Avsú-Banyat Meyeşil
Siyezirepublicflag.png Camay Tomavaşva

Siyezirepublicflag.png Aşir Vírnaba
Siyezan Arzin IV
Siyezan Arzast Zivṙasil
Siyezan Şnador Ozemeypét
Siyezan Senéya Ziyibon
Siyezan Şiyin Paqin
90,600 combatants
102 armoured vehicles
98 aircraft
1,500 Vos volunteers
73,100 combatants
87 armoured vehicles
74 aircraft
7,000 Balak troops
24 Balak aircraft.
Casualties and losses
Military dead:
Civilian dead:
Total dead:
Military dead:
Civilian dead:
Total dead:

The Siyezi civil war (Damserz: Síyeba írba hód [siː.je.ˈbɒ ˈiːr.bɒ ħɵːd] "Siyezi home war") was a civil war fought in Siyezan by 2 factions:

- The "Republicans" (Irşetbáṙ), formed by a coalition of nationalist movements of various kinds, guided by discontent against the monarchy, which they felt had made the country into a subordinate of foreign nations. They were aided by Vosan, who seeked to establish a state friendly to them, and Veridia, who thought they could be a potential ally.
- The "Loyalists" (Varzdagís), formed by everyone who was loyal to the old government and king Arzin IV (hence the name), supported by mostly conservatives and centrist factions who desired to keep stability in the nation. They got foreign aid from the Balak Empire which they had an alliance with.


Following the victory in the Second Independence War against Vosan, the country became an ally of the Balak Empire, an alliance which was sealed by marrying reigning king Imran II with (unnamed Balak princess). While this move was advertised as purely symbolic, it was a condition put by the Balaks for their aid against Vosan, something which was unknown to the public. As part of this alliance, Siyezan sent some troops to help the Imperial government in the Balak Revolution, during which soldiers were exposed to Balkism which they would later bring back home after the rebels had been defeated.
The royal marriage had raised the eyebrows of some nationalist elements within the country, which now found a common ground with left-wing antimonarchists, aided by the introduction and growth of Balkism as a political force in the country. During the 1930s, nationalism and socialism/antimonarchism started becoming one of the same in mainstream politics, with both international socialists and right-wing nationalists becoming more alienated.
Imran had to deal with the reconstruction of the country after the independence war. Knowing well that the country was unstable, he had a large degree of authority and followed largely conservative policies in order to please nationalists, which at core still had some mistrust for him for allegedly "changing overlords from Vosan to Balakia". After his death, his son Arzin IV came to power.

(I'll work this out later)

In the 1942 parliamentary elections, right-wing republican movements obtained a majority together. This worried Arzin, who thought his position was in danger,so in response he began a crackdown on republican, nationalist and Balkist movements and politicians. In response, and using the excuse of his reign being illegitimate (justified using the fact that the royal marriage with the Zonkamâs was a condition), the parliament asked him to abdicate, which he refused, sparking an all-out revolution against him.

Course of the war

idk but the republicans win


After the war was over, a republican government was established and Arzin forced into exile in Balakia. Destruction caused by the war would cause the republic to plunge deeper into extremism, which would culminate with Yavízin Racba's precidency.