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Oh boy.
According to the Khezian Constitution, the one official language of the country is Khezian, and the Osgimi dialect of the language is the one used for international affairs and business. As of the latest census in 2020, it is reported that there are about 40 million speakers of the language as a mother tongue, and a significant deal of the rest have Khezian as at least a second language.
Other languages commonly spoken in the country are Siyan, spoken in the north by about 2 million around the provinces of Baumar, Uritazir, and Haṣaran, and in the latter two, Siyan is a co-official language to Khezian. Additionally, Vosan has a significant deal of speakers, numbering up to at least 2 million, located in the west in the provinces of Segevazan, Urusan, and East Bozan, where it is the most prevalent, and is a co-official language to Khezian. Another language of significant status would be X, located around the southwest of Dorvan, and spoken by some 20,000 people.


Revision as of 22:35, 7 April 2021

Khezian Republic
Qeziþar Ereceþ
One of two official flags of the country, featuring the emblemOne of two official flags of the country, without the emblem
Flag Emblem
Motto: : A Haþah bovemis ban.
May God guide us
Official languages Khezian
Recognised national languages Vosan, Koman
Demonym Khezid, Khezian
Government Republic
 -  President Atava Ceirzireiẓ Az
 -  Head Legislator Vodam Doẓidoveẓ Nira
 -  First Republic 1900 
 -  Sannist Revolution 1927 
 -  Fall of Sannism/Second Republic 1991 
 -  598,717.2 km2
231,166 sq mi
 -  2020 estimate 45 million
 -  2020 census 44903790
 -  Density 75/km2
194.2/sq mi
Currency Khezian Actan (QAC)
Time zone ÅST/SST (SCT+2/+2:30)
Date format mm-dd-yyyy YE
Drives on the right

Khezan (Khezian: Qeziṣar [xezɪθɐs]), officially the Khezian Republic, is a landlocked country located in Western Vaniu, bordered to the west and south by Vosan, to the north by X, and to the east by Lake Melkanchuta and Komania. It is a country known for its mercantile nature, frequently enjoying trade across Lake Melkanchuta.


Khezan's name comes from Khezian Qeziẓ tar, meaning roughly "Mover's Country" to reflect on the big hauling industry here.


The Khezian area had historically been under control of the Ohanian Empire, until Qasam's kingdom conquered it in 544. Come 592 upon the death of Qasam, the Khezian lands are given to one of his grandsons, Ṣeviêje 1 of Khezan. Ṣeviêje would go on to establish the Seviyejid Dynasty which would rule over Khezan until the Tamir Khanate annexed the lands in the 900s CE. With the Tamir Khanate came substantial Kalkali influence ranging from loanwords to cultural practices. But Tamir rule would be brief for in 1192, Kai ha Sinoz would liberate the Khezid once more. And the lands would stay under Kayid rule until the Avicisid Dynasty in Vosan conquered the lands to bring Vosan to its maximum extent in history. It would stay under Vos rule until an incursion from Taayim ha Seadiz in 1564 brought Khezids independence yet again. The Taayimids would continue to rule Khezan until 1927 where power was transitioned to Ader Canez and the Sannist Party. Those guys would rule until 1991 when Khezan transitioned into a republic after the death of the last guy, Avi Bala. I really don't know how I can make this flow.







According to the Khezian Constitution, the country is a federation and a presidential republic. The current reigning president is Atava Ceirzireiẓ Az, who came into power circa 2017 (1565 YE). In the republic, there is a separation of powers, with power split among the three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative branch is represented by the two federal congresses, the Popular Congress and the State Congress. The Popular Congress, otherwise known as the Left Congress, for the side of the legislative building the congress resides in, or the Lower Congress, is the congress in which bills go into before passing to the State Congress. As per the Constitution, there shall be no more than 185 representatives within the Popular Congress, with number of representatives per province being proportional to their population, and the three federal cities all having three representatives each, who may also count towards their province's representative number. Currently, the province of Ha Ojinar has 21 representatives, including the ones standing for Osgim. Representatives in the Popular Congress are elected every 3 Sayanic years, and may serve for four 3-year terms. The State Congress, also known as the Right Congress or the Upper Congress, is the congress that bills, had they been approved by the Popular Congress, go into before being passed onto the Head Legislator. There are 50 representatives in this congress, with each pair representing each of the provinces as well as the federal cities. Representatives in the State Congress are elected every 6 Sayanic years, and may serve for two 6-year terms. Both congresses are further represented by the Head Legislator, a person that for the most part handles domestic affairs in general. They, along with the President, are responsible for making bills into laws or vetoing them, and are considered the "Little President (Khezian: Besketizir [be:skɪtɪzɪs])" as they can usurp presidency in the situation when the current president dies in office before their term is over, either by assassination or otherwise. A Head Legislator may serve upwards of three terms of 5 Sayanic years each. Currently, the Head Legislator is Vodam Doẓidoveẓ Nira.

Executive Branch

The Executive branch is represented by the President, who approves/vetoes laws and serves as the head diplomat for Khezan. Just like the Head Legislator, the President may serve for three 5-year terms. Not only can the President approve laws or be a diplomat, they are in charge of the Khezian military as well, and so are expected to serve as a general in the army during wartime, and therefore presidential candidates with military experience are more favored in election times. Also part of the Executive Branch is the President's Council, a group of people appointed by the President that act to advise him when necessary. These people usually serve for however long as their president is in office, however they may retire at any point they choose.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial branch is represented by the High Court, composed of 5 Judges, that interprets constitutional law and are responsible for updating the Constitution.

Administrative divisions

Khezan is divided into 22 provinces and 3 federal cities, each having 2 representatives in the State Congress and variable representatives in the Popular Congress.

Name Capital Population Area (km²) Etymology Flag PC Reps*
Aramar Ehazivan 3,433,193 14,282 Great Gharam TBD 15
Ari Parej Kavam 5,231,705 14,785 Beautiful Peninsula TBD 20
Aṣavazan Aṣavan 942,569 16,473 Land of the Golden Fortress TBD 4
Basan Tamisinom 1,074,408 20,923 Quail Land TBD 5
Baumar Eliviyi 658,031 37,416 Great Field TBD 3
Bavan Banajam 647,689 39,222 Far Land TBD 3
Çazaṣ Hemojos 1,430,781 16,512 Wealthy TBD 6
Dorvan Aṣa 758,685 101,000 Land of Red TBD 3
East Bozan Asartam 1,099,316 36,763 East Vosan TBD 5
Famaz Zotavan 1,287,803 12,926 Coast of Gold TBD 6
Garasan Orpan 1,009,536 19,434 Land of Wind TBD 4
Gatar Ucdar 1,034,030 8,190 Aurochs Country TBD 5
Ha Ojinar Osgim 7,778,881 14,451 The Great Bay TBD 27
Haṣaran Vaṣustil 194,731 48,489 Land of Great Harvest TBD 1
Jehecan Sítiç 217,580 37,953 Land of Koumiss TBD 1
Kiẓan Saysea 972,851 24,949 Bread Land TBD 4
Nirvan Lenea 3,242,442 11,210 Land of Violets TBD 14
North Zeisviran Hajaṣa 363,955 3,641 North Land of the Stone Horse TBD 1
Segevazan Usta 6,007,533 35,622 Land of the Wheeled Tower** TBD 24
Uritazir Dastila 2,211,877 45,982 Little Ridazan TBD 10
Urusan Urusa 2,467,055 16,851 Orchid Land TBD 11
Zeisviran Ravam 2,839,139 15,953 Land of the Stone Horse TBD 13

*Representatives in the Popular Congress

**Etymology uncertain

Foreign relations





Science and technology



Ethnic groups



According to the Khezian Constitution, the one official language of the country is Khezian, and the Osgimi dialect of the language is the one used for international affairs and business. As of the latest census in 2020, it is reported that there are about 40 million speakers of the language as a mother tongue, and a significant deal of the rest have Khezian as at least a second language. Other languages commonly spoken in the country are Siyan, spoken in the north by about 2 million around the provinces of Baumar, Uritazir, and Haṣaran, and in the latter two, Siyan is a co-official language to Khezian. Additionally, Vosan has a significant deal of speakers, numbering up to at least 2 million, located in the west in the provinces of Segevazan, Urusan, and East Bozan, where it is the most prevalent, and is a co-official language to Khezian. Another language of significant status would be X, located around the southwest of Dorvan, and spoken by some 20,000 people.




Khezan's people follow the religion of Zarasaism, specifically the Qasamist denomination.












See also