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Currently there are eleven political parties that hold seats in the parliament.
Currently there are eleven political parties that hold seats in the parliament.
The head of state in Soptemia is the minister to the nation. The final say on everything ultimately goes through him. He is chosen by the elect of high clergy, who pick a priest to become minister to the nation. It has become an unofficial policy to not choose anyone less than fifty years old. The clergy also act as the national court, settling arguments about whether actions are in line with the constitution, and how far the powers of other parts of the government extend.  
The head of state in Soptemia is the minister to the nation. The final say on everything ultimately goes through him. He is chosen by the elect of high clergy, who pick a priest to become minister to the nation. It has become an unofficial policy to not choose anyone less than fifty years old. The clergy also act as the national court, settling arguments about whether actions are in line with the constitution, and how far the powers of other parts of the government extend.  

Revision as of 13:12, 29 July 2022

Federal Republic of Soptemia
Flag of Soptemia Seal of Soptemia
Flag Seal
map of subdivisions of soptemia
Largest Obe Amstemen
Official languages Soptenese
Recognised regional languages Alotol
Demonym Soptemen
Government Constitutional Theocracy
 -  Minister to the Nation Bẹkẹlen Gelsỉt
 -  President of the Parliment Svohan Jụeẕsmohỉl
Legislature Parliment
 -  Kingdom of Soptemia declared 15 October, 1874 
 -  The Reform 24 February, 1952 
 -  385,071 km2
148,677 sq mi
 -  2021 estimate 11,790,000
 -  2014 census 10,944,545
 -  Density 30.62/km2
79.3/sq mi
HDI .795
Currency Soptenese Vosom
Time zone (SCT+0)
 -  Summer (DST) not observed (SCT)
Drives on the right
Calling code +433
Internet TLD .sm

Soptemia (Soptenese: soptUm [soptʊm]), officially the Federal Republic of Soptemia, is a country located in eastern Soltenna. It is bordered by Ensia and Suenia to the north and the Gelog Sea to the northwest. The heartland of Soptemia lies in valley of the river Eba. Soptemia's two largest cities are both situated in the foothills of the Eastern Ungagon Mountains. Soptenese Is the most commonly sopken language and is the furthest western extent of Ryamaian languages. Soptenese is the only official language, and Suenyi and Alotol are recognized regional languages. Soptemian society is largely conservative and the overwhelming majority practice Zarasaism. The city of Dease is a trading post established by the X in the county of Cada where the roads of the X ended and the wilderness began. In the Eastern Ungagon Mountains, a trapping economy has been the dominant industry. In the east, there is sparely populated forest and grassland, Historically it was inhabited by nomadic herders. Nowadays, it is home to largescale agriculture.


"Soptemia" comes from the proto-Ryamaian ‘Saappu’ meaning ‘log’, as Soptemia is heavily wooded as compared to Vaniua.


The modern Soptenese people descend from Proto-Masic people who settled in the Eba river valley. Obe Amstemen was founded in the fourth century. Archeologists believe that During the height of the Malas empire, some Alotol people settled in the west of Soptemia. Those people became a powerful minority.

Middle Ages

From the middle ages, The east was a nearly unpopulated frontier, the central heartland and Eba river valley was controlled by Obe Amstemen. Its strategic position surrounded on three sides by lakes and mountains, and close to the Eba river valley, but not in its floodplain made it the most powerful and populous city in the region for over a millenium. In 1345, the Great Gharam of Obe Amstemen was completed. The western duchies were more often than not either vassals of Obe Amstemen or in the influence of the Alotol Confederacy. Dease was established in the sixteenth century as a hub for the burgeoning fur trade.

Early Modern Period

After the 1820 breakup of the Alotol Confederacy and the ensuing power vacuum, Soptemia reached its furthest western extent. During this period, large-scale agriculture, for the first time, took place in the east. This fueled a massive increase in population across Soptemia. Cherrin was established at a crossroads, and saw a period of rapid growth that sped up during the early industrialization. Cherrin quickly became the largest and most important city in the region, even more so than Obe Amstemen, which was on the decline, as its defensive position was not as well suited to be a beacon of commerce like Cherrin was. In 1859, Obe Amstemen burned down, the Great Gharam remained, but most of the rest of the city was abandoned. The capital was moved to Cherrin. This move was meant to be temporary but it never moved back.

Kingdom of Soptemia

Throughout this entire time, Soptemia had been a loose federation united under Obe Amstemen. This was until, in 1874, in order to strengthen the nation, the first King and minister to the nation, Bẹmogid Agẹdaz I, was crowned by the elect of high clergy, and the kingdom of Soptemia was declared. What followed was an era of stagnation under Zarasaist fundamentalism. One of the only major accomplishments of this era was the reconstruction of Obe Amstemen.

Things changed when Fydogaq Ẹadaz became King and Minister to the Nation in 1911. Many of the restrictions on business were relaxed. The railroad network, which was primarily built between 1845 and 1875, began to be expanded again. One Businessman, Remsati Vỏhfnak, bought much of the land around Obe Amstemen and built identical houses on it, and much of Obe Amstemen remains today with hectares upon hectares of near-identical buildings.

Pangyeoun war stuff, or not

Crisis of Succession

On September 7th 1950, the Fydogaq Ẹadaz died from a stroke without heir. This launched Soptemia into the Soptemian Crisis of Succession which lasted until 1952. The following morning, Minister of foreign affairs, Srảs Buklonoz publicly stated that Ẹadaz’s advisory council (of which he was the most powerful member), would be holding the government over until the elect of high clergy could meet and select a new king and minister to the nation. Things remained relatively under control until the 24th of September, when a rumor surfaced that Minister to education, Botokoh Vimys was colluding with Buklonoz to embezzle funds. This sparked some protests, but no violence.

That changed when on the 2nd of October, an attempted coup took place. Buklonoz then placed the nation into a state of emergency, something that had not happened since the great flood of 1931. The elect of high clergy released a statement that argued that Buklonoz was unfit to be interim ruler, and blamed him for preventing them from naming a new king. Around October 12th, Ṉowohl Ganohn, One of the elect that authored that statement disappeared under suspicious circumstances. This caused even more protests and a joint letter from five counties that Buklonoz should resign immediately, and if he doesn’t, then the elect has the power to force him to.

On January 3rd, 1951, Thermis became the first county to declare independence, followed by Cada and Cvadon on January 7th. On January 15th, Cada sent a letter to the Embassy of X asking to be annexed by them. On January 17th, Buklonoz took a trip to X requesting that they not intervene. On January 21st, The advisory council stated that the state of emergency would end as soon as the perpetrators of the attempted coup had been caught. On February 9th, Thermis, Cada and Cvadon relented. On June 16th, the perpetrator of the attempted coup was arrested and charged. On June 19th, the elect of high clergy requested the state of emergency be lifted. On June 23rd, the state of emergency was lifted.

The elect of high clergy finally met on August 7th, nearly a full year after Ẹadaz’s death. On August 12th, they stated that Buklonoz was at fault for the disappearance of Ṉowohl Ganohn. On August 13th, the elect was disbanded by the advisory council, and stated that the clerical status of several of the elect was thereby revoked. On the same day, four of the elect disappeared. Unrest followed, and on August 22nd, another attempted coup took place, this one was even less successful than the last. Soptemia was again placed under a state of emergency. On September 4th, the four elect that went missing in August turned up, having defected to X. They stated that Buklonoz and the advisory council had attempted to bribe some of the elect and place their own members on the elect.

Immediately following that, Riots erupted across Soptemia. Over the next six successive nights, over $120 Million of property damage was caused, and 16 people died, including 5 at the hands of the police. This became known as the week of first blood. Between September 9th, and September 18th, six counties and three provinces declared independence, and a pro-independence coup occurred in X, on October 3rd, temporarily deposing the count and parliament. Relative law and order was restored by October 12th, when the army came and performed a counter-coup in X, and the advisory council retracted their statements about revoking clerical status, and invited the four defects to return, although none did.

On December 31st, Minister to the protection of the law, Syrỉs Vigaz, defected to X, and released a statement revealing that Buklonoz requested to have the four defecting elect extradited, were planning on having some of the dissenting county and provincial governments arrested, and were planning on fixing the selection of the next king and minister to the nation to one of Buklonoz’s friends. Vigaz also stated that all the rumors of corruption and embezzlement were true, and that the person that was arrested for the first coup was likely not the perpetrator.

Riots in Dease

Riots erupted again, and even more violently. Buklonoz’s house was burnt down on the night of January 2nd, 1952, and on January 5th, mass arrests began. On January 11th, another county and two more provinces declared independence. The riots lasted through January 24th, when X made an ultimatum, stating that if Buklonoz did not resign immediately, they would intervene. On January 26th, Buklonoz, along with the rest of the advisory council, resigned, bringing an end to the riots. On February 1st, the elect of high clergy finally met in Obe Amstemen, not only to select a new minister to the nation, but to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again.

What they came up with, on February 24th, was The Reform, a series of changes that affected not only government, but was to modernize all walks of life in Soptemia, as well as eliminating the title of king, and making the Minister to the Nation a non-hereditary position. Bụḉỷntụsi Kẹnỏ, a young priest, was selected as Minister to the Nation. Soptemia became a democracy for the first time, as a parliament was added. An addendum to this was added to this in March of 1958, clarifying the details and resolving small conflicts and loopholes that existed in the original. These two documents now make up the constitution of Soptemia.

Modern Times

In 1961, Soptemia purchased land to the east of the Eba river from X. This was the most recent change in Soptemia’s borders. In the purchased land, The Fỏjạn dam was constructed there from 1964, being completed in 1969. At the time, it was the world’s largest dam. This finally put an end to the seasonal flooding in the Eba river delta. It also created lake Fỏjạn, and Fỏjạn City was established on its shore. The new land was incorporated with a slice of the province of Ramiss into the province of Fỏjạn. In 1975, the dam was renamed to the Ẹadaz dam.

In 1999, construction of a tunnel to bypass the X pass caused an avalanche that hit the city of X, and its chemical plant, causing a chemical spillage that took until 2007 to fully clean up. This was the most deadly disaster in modern Soptenese history, with the avalanche and immediate chemical spillage killing over 200, and hundreds more dying from the chronic effects of the chemicals. The tunnel finally opened in 2019, 14 years behind schedule.

In 2014, Bụḉỷntụsi Kẹnỏ died of old age, and was replaced by Bẹkẹlen Gelsỉt.






Currently there are eleven political parties that hold seats in the parliament.

Soptemia political.png


The head of state in Soptemia is the minister to the nation. The final say on everything ultimately goes through him. He is chosen by the elect of high clergy, who pick a priest to become minister to the nation. It has become an unofficial policy to not choose anyone less than fifty years old. The clergy also act as the national court, settling arguments about whether actions are in line with the constitution, and how far the powers of other parts of the government extend.

The parliament is the main democratic body. It consists of 324 members. 108 of them are elected at-large across the nation, using a single transferable vote system. The other 216 are elected by the provinces and counties. They are apportioned based on population to each province or county. In all provinces and most counties, they are elected by a single transferable vote within the county. Technically, counties can choose how to pick their members of parliament however they please. However, most use the same system as the provinces. Sobyumin and Cvadon elect their members based on geographical regions within the county. Elections for members of parliament at-large and in provinces take place every four years. The terms of members of parliament in the counties are determined by the counties themselves, and range from two to eight years.

The head of parliament is the president of the parliament. They are a member of the parliament that is elected by the parliament to host the parliament, schedule votes, and be the master of ceremonies. All of their actions must be in good faith and unbiased, as enforced by the clergy. Unlike in many parliaments, a coalition government need not be formed in order for a president of the parliament to be elected, or for anything to get done. The president of the parliament is often the face of the nation abroad, despite their powers not going far beyond a normal member of parliament. The Current president of the parliament is Svohan Jụeẕsmohỉl, a member of the Liberal Party.

The final part of the government is the ministries. These play a far greater role in Soptenese politics than in most countries. They are as follows:

  • Ministry of Revenue
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry of Religious Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of National Security
  • Ministry of the Land

By far the largest of these is the ministry of revenue, which manages taxes, banking, fiscal policy, labor relations and more.

Each ministry consists of a three-member board which gets the final say over all of its actions. Of the three members, one is appointed by the Minister to the nation, one is appointed by the parliament, and one is directly elected by the people. The elected minister has a term of two years, but no term limit, while the other two ministers can be replaced by their appointers at any time, but can also serve indefinitely.

The previous census year was 2018 and the next is 2022. The election of members of parliament occurs continuously, with different members being up for election at different times. An election for members of parliament typically occurs every four months, with either one province’s members being up for reelection. These elections can occur more frequently, as there are fourteen counties. Provinces choose the dates of their election at their own discretion. Ministers are elected continuously in a similar manner. The 108 at-large members of parliament are elected every four years, and every other election year matches up with a census year.

When a new minister to the nation is chosen, the clock for both census and elections is reset to begin in the month of ascent of the new minister to the nation, and a new census and election happens immediately. When an election year coincides with a census, sometimes members will have to be unseated following a change in distribution of seats after the census data comes out, a few months after the election. From 1958-2014, elections and censuses took place in March of years starting in 1958. In December 2014, after Bẹkẹlen Gelsỉt ascended, the second election and census of that year took place.

Administrative divisions

Soptemia is divided into 22 administrative divisions. These include eight counties and fourteen provinces. While they have equal power within the national government, counties have a greater degree of domestic autonomy, and are allowed to do things such as have their own official languages alongside Soptenese, and choose how to pick their members of parliment. Obe Amstemen, while being a province and not a county, has some of the powers that a county has. The most populous county is Obe Amstemen with 2,141,492 people living there per the 2014 census. The least populous is Cape Yerlan with 16,035 residents.

Foreign relations



Soptemia’s primary exports are agricultural, with the largest by far being wheat. Beef, dairy, venison and cranberries also make up significant agricultural exports. Other major raw exports include timber and copper.

Soptemia does not have a large manufacturing economy. The largest sector of manufactured products are those made from wood; mainly construction lumber.


Soptemia is the base of operations for Air Klinkal. Air Klinkal operates flights all across Miraria, primarily focusing on transporting passengers between Soltenna and Parshita and Vaniua, with some routes going as far as Alpa. Its primary base is at Cherrin-Sanklij International Airport, with a secondary base at the smaller Obe Amstemen International Airport. In recent years, low-cost carrier XXX has set up a hub in Cherrin as well.

Central Soptemia is connected by a system of railways. The system extends both east and west in a limited form, with the only electrified sections being in the center. The system is primarily privatized. In places not served well by the railways, air travel remains the most popular option. In addition to the railways, Soptemia is connected by a system of highways. The main trunk routes are numbered S1-S11. The system was begun in 1957 and completed in 2000. The busiest of these is S3, which runs north-south between the border with X in Nogulan and the junction with S4 and S7 in West Cankur, passing between Obe Amstemen and Cherrin.


Ẹadaz Dam

Soptemia has some of the greatest water and electricity security of any nation in the world. Since 1969, the Ẹadaz Dam has provided for most of Soptemia’s electrical demand. Nowadays, it supplies just over sixty percent. The rest comes from either nuclear, or imported sources. Most of Soptemia’s water comes from either the Ẹadaz Dam and the Eba River, or from the Eastern Ungagon Mountains.

Science and technology


Soptemia is home to a medium-sized tourism industry. Obe Amstemen is a well visited city. Soptemia is home to a thriving winter sports industry in the eastern Ungagon mountains. Other attractions include several natural parks in the west, including X, which contains the X temperate rainforest, unique in the region. Many also visit the Ẹadaz Dam and the Universe of Amazement resort, a massive amusement park and resort complex located in Zanklij. Soptemia is also home to world-renowned roller coaster manufacturing firm Mạlaqyr & Babylạrựd.


Ethnic groups




Education in Soptemia typically starts at the age of five. Students attend half-day school until the age of nine, when they attend for the full day, and do so until adulthood. Schools are not separated into small subdivisions of age groups, and students of all ages attend the same schools.

Education Academy

College educations are relatively uncommon, even among professionals, and most who get college educations do so outside of Soptemia. The largest college in Soptemia is Education Academy, which is the only major institution of higher education in the nation.


Soptemia has a heavily regulated, privately run healthcare system. Health insurance is common, but it is by no means necessary or universal, as the cost of healthcare is not extremely high. Many insurance providers also deny service to unhealthy people. In 2007, Soptemia introduced what is called the “obesity tax”, which penalizes people with higher taxes for being fat. Additionally, tax incentives now exist for any male who can run 5 long plots (1649 meters) in under seven minutes. Doing this is now a mandatory part of a Soptenese education.












The most popular sports in Soptemia are Football, Athletics and Fumberu, a native-to-Soptemia ball sport, which has caught on in some neighboring counties, and in limited amounts around the world. Soptemia is headquarters of the World Fumberu Competitive Association, which hosts over 1000 teams, both Amateur and professional. The most famous and recognizable of these is the Cherrin Domestic Cats. Soptemia is a member of SIFA.


See also