Ngigu language

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wuo nuri
Pronunciation[wú.ɔ́ nú.ɾí]
Regionsouthern Awating
Native speakers268,000  (2020)
Language family
  • Umic
    • Ngigu
Writing systemLetso-Terminian script
Ngigu script
Official status
Official language inNone
Regulated bycontested between
  • Awatese Society for the Preservation of Minority Languages
  • Ngigu Advancement Front
CWS codengigu
The native Ngigu-speaking area in southern Awating.


Ngigu is a member of the Umic branch of the Ngerupic languages.





Bilabial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Labiovelar Velar Glottal
Nasal m m: n n: ŋ ŋ:
Plosive p t k ʔ
Fricative ʃ h
Approximants/Flap ɾ j w
Implosive ɓ ɗ ɠ


  • /ʃ/ is frqeuently realized as [s] by younger speakers.
  • The implosives /ɓ ɗ ɠ/ are frequently realized as the plain voiced stops [b d g] by younger speakers.


Front Back
Close í ì ú ù
Close-mid é è ó ò
Open-mid ɛ́ ɛ̀ ɔ́ ɔ̀
Open á à


  • Vowel hiatus (see below) is often removed by younger speakers, with vowel sequences being treated as polyphthongs and and the tone of the first vowel assimilating into those of the following vowels.
  • /i/ and /u/ are semivowels [j] and [w] in the same environment.


Syllable structure is minimally V and maximally CVC. Gemination/length is contrastive in nasals only, and geminated nasals are considered single consonants, and thus can appear word-initially. Consonant clusters are not allowed word-initially or word-finally.

Morphology and syntax

Writing and literature


A sample of words in Ngigu:

one muì
three nẹ
four ngè
five hià
person nggìgèw
man ngìye
woman ʔìw
ząm person nìraxì
water bao
fire xaw
sun nggùiyùo
moon nnùirọm
star mmèba
boat nggùiya
house hòòhong
village ròò
breast nìùmu
tooth nnìẹ̀he
blood nìo
bone nnìrak
tongue ùnìùiri
ear nnìrùi
eye nìùyu
nose ùnìw
hair kùaung
leaf bùawài
tree mmùabi
pig buwùet
snake nguyò
lizard muwite
palm tree ùaurot
name nnììmma
hear -ngo
hit -ʔu
eat -wom
come -nọ̀
sit -ʔù
stand -rùat
hot nu
cold gùù
good mọng
bad ù

Sample text

Ngigu script Romanization Translation
a`xu``wonudu9h``h``wzniNzn`ro`a`dexo``AI xuPk0NzmuI`9ro`a`deho`I`A`noa`O``gu`Iyu
Gùdahàohatẹ nggaep iri ròòèp duu òùrepu nà ròàde gòìbayuomo.

Muì ràdehàguomowu dinẹ̀k na muì ràdehàguomowu akwu.

Àruʔ Muìì Ròàde Hòìà duu hàmẹ̀gexùʔ ròàde mmòuba.

Àxùwonu duu hàhàw ning nà ròàde xòai.

Xuọ kọng, Muìì Ròàde Hòìà noàògùiyu
bèto hàoʔ ngìgexing daa ngukahàhedoʔ hẹnnubungìì bao xaw iri yu.

Ngìgexing ràdehàxaw haxing xìok.

Ròàde hòìà hàòxoʔ nggiw hàxaw haxing xìok duu hàngùoyunọ ùrù daa hàxaaunọ hìòòʔ ròòep rèp,

òùguomowu è wùwù ròàde onọ xòui.
Once there was a small town with two tea vendors.

One sold green tea and the other sold black tea.

There was a Chief Tea Taster who ensured the quality of the tea.

He was getting tired of drinking the same two types of tea every day.

One day the Chief Tea Taster was walking in a field

when he saw a stranger boiling water in a clay pot over a small fire.

The stranger offered him some tea.

The tea taster liked it so much he offered to help the stranger set up shop in the town,

selling this new kind of extra-dark tea.