Archive:Huy En

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The Republic of Huy En
Official languages Hetan
Ethnic groups (2020) Hetan - 92%
Alotol - 6%,
Qonklese - 2.4%,
Other - 1.6%
Demonym Eni
Government Unitary president constitutional republic
 -  President
 -  Independence from the Malas Empire 1082 CE 
 -  Establishment of the Republic 1735 CE 
 -  End of Alotol intervention 1952 CE 
Currency Eni Blossom (EBL)
Date format yyyy/mm/dd
Drives on the left
Calling code +892
Internet TLD .he

Huy En (Hetan: tbd Alotol: tbd), officially the Republic of Huy En, is a unitary president constitutional republic in central Soltenna, straddling Lake Soltenna and the Ungagon Mountains.