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Qonklese Federation
kwai ðá kwan

Kwai Jã Kwan (Standard Kwang)

Gwe Jạ Gwã (Dahe Kwang)
Flag National Emblem
Motto: “May death come to any who dare challenge us”
Anthem: [Anthem of the Qonklese Federation]
and largest city
Official languages Standard Kwang
Recognised regional languages Karduvic Dialect, West Kwang Dialect, Other Kwang lects, Ndxiixun, Riyan
Ethnic groups Qonklese
Demonym Qonklese
 -  President
Legislature Qonklese National Assembly Hall
 -  Upper house Advisory Council
 -  Lower house National Assembly
 -  Wa dynasty established 2520 BC 
 -  Abolition of the monarchy 1903 
 -  Kúúlist single-party state 1950 
 -  Fall of the Supreme Commune of Qonklaks 9—22 October 2005 
 -  2020 estimate 114,855,240
 -  Density 101/km2
261.6/sq mi
GDP (nominal) estimate
 -  Total $2.341 trillion (8th)
 -  Per capita $20,385
HDI 0.839
very high
Currency Qonklese Chih (QKC)
Time zone QST (SCT<-1>)
 -  Summer (DST) Not Observed (SCT)
Date format (yyyy.mm.dd) Q.I.C. (Qonklese Imperial Calendar)
Drives on the left
Calling code +2
Internet TLD .qnk

Qonklaks (Qonklese: Kwai Kwan /kwɛ˦ kwã˦/), officially the Qonklese Federation, is a country located in Soltenna. It borders Quaxin Xun, Zaizung, Riyana, Ru, Huy En, and Mai Thi. It shares a maritime border with Awarahl.

As one of Sahar's cradles of civilization, it enjoyed its status as a high culture, its influence traditionally encompassed the entirety of Soltenna.

Qonklaks is a founding member of the International Congress.


Kwai is of native Ngerupic origin, meaning 'country', and tracing back to Wa Ñi *kway-ni. Kwan is an endonym possibly related to the Ngerupic root for 'sun', *kwo-ni.


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Qonklaks is mostly arid and warm in the lowlands, and more humid and cool in the highlands.



The Qonklese government is divided into five (IPA: /ˈmeɪ/), or branches.

Executive Mè

The Executive Mè, in which executive power is vested, consists of the Central High Command (CHC). The CHC itself consists of the Prime Minister, 16 ministers, and the Director of the State Security and Investigation Service. The CHC is responsible for approving and signing bills into legislation, issuing government decrees, and allocating government spending.

Legislative Mè

The Legislative Mè, which is represented by the National Assembly, is where the people of Qonklaks can practice their democratic powers. The National Assembly, made up of 225 legislators voted into office by their respective electorate districts, is responsible for drafting, debating, and voting for legislation. Currently, the Democratic Guaesuist Union holds the most seats within the National Assembly, with the White Party serving as the main opposition.

Judicial Mè

The Judicial Mè is made up of the Supreme Court and the many regional and local courts. It is responsible for interpreting and enforcing legislation. The Supreme Court itself consists of one Supreme Justice and ten Justices.

Military Mè

The Military Mè consists of the National Defence Council and the Qonklese Peacekeeping Force. Its responsibility to predict and neutralize foreign aggression and assist the Prime Minister in making military decisions. The Military Mè also has the right to refuse to carry out any government decree if they deem it immoral.

Auditory Mè

As the supervisory branch, the Auditory Mè consists of the National Anticorruption Commission (NACC). Although the prime minister selects a new director every term, the NACC has full autonomy, and can even conduct investigations against the prime minister with no consequence.

Administrative divisions

Provinces of Qonklaks, colored by realm

Qonklaks possesses three Special Administrative Regions:

Angnyaiq Special Administrative Region

Myaichoun Special Administrative Region

Yeinti Special Administrative Region

Foreign relations

Qonklaks is in the Soltennan Council comprising of more than X Soltennan states. Today, it has friendly relations with most Sahar nations, except for a few outliers.



Today, Qonklaks provides security to its people and its allies with the Qonklese Peacekeeping Forces, with over 450000 active personnel and 3 million in reserve.


Qonklaks is a developed country with a moderately high income economy. Brands such as Pearl Corporation and Mheiqyõ Heavy Industries are internationally known and build towards Qonklaks' reputation for manufacturing affordable, quality electronics and motor vehicles.

Despite the kúúlist regime from 1950 to 2005, Qonklaks has since managed to quintuple its GDP thanks to Jiq Zaw's economic reforms in 1972.

Qonklaks is the leading plastic producer, with over 10 billion metric tonnes of plastic made per year.



Science and technology



Ethnic groups



The official language of Qonklaks is Standard Qonklese. However there are a great many other varieties of Qonklese such as West Kwang. In the south and southwest, there are many minority languages, as well as Ndxiixun, which is the primary language of Quaxin Xun.




The people of Qonklaks is slowly becoming more and more atheistic, and is pushing religion away from their daily lives. However, government efforts to re-introduce traditional Qonklese Xenhuism as a religion have been proven quite successful.










Qonklese cuisine relies heavily on noodles, flatbread, and steamed corn paste for staples, and is typically quite spicy, with abundant use of chili oil and numbing pepper. Being a mainly coastal country, seafood is quite prominent.



See also