Balak Empire

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Balak Empire
Kacizeh Micdarāt Barahzan
Kaşizeh Mişdarât Barahzan



An anachronous map of the Balak Empire.
Capital Qerşeven
Languages Balak
Religion Zarasaism
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 •  1866 - 1872 Kamât I (Balâkpâş)
 •  1872 - 1908 Jimâşim I
 •  1908 - 1921 Hazdamli I
 •  1921 - 1952 Jimâşim II
Historical era Late Modern Era
 •  Established 1866
 •  Fall of Balakia 1952
 •  Dissolution October 2nd 1963
Today part of

The Balak Empire (Balak: Kacizeh Micdarāt Barahzan Kaşizeh Mişdarât Barahzan, literally meaning "Great Empire of Balakia"), also known as Midarat Midarat ("Great Horde") was an eastern Vaniuan regional power that existed from its unification in 1866 to its de facto abolition in 1952 and official dissolution in 1963. It was founded by Emperor Kamat I in the aftermath of the Balak-Zwazwan War.

The Balak Empire was in a state of personal union with Sonka, commonly regarded as a Balak colony during this time, for much of its existence beginning in 1872 with the coronation of Emperor Jimâşim I, who had already been elected as the King of Sonka prior to the formation of the Balak Empire. This unique situation informed Balak colonial policy and resulted in relatively light-handed governance, as well as humane treatment of the local Sonkhai populatuion compared to other contemporary colonial powers. X.

The Empire adopted a federal structure in [year] in response to X. This saw the Empire divided into a number of constituent countries, which all received representation in the upper and lower houses of the Imperial Parliament.

The Balak Empire began recognition from the Hoja Qadat as a reincarnation of the Great Horde in [year]. Disagreements within the religious body over the legitimacy of such claims were a contributing factor in the X Schism, which saw the Hoja Qadat split between a faction based in Shozasan and the Koman city of Samar, each claiming to be the legitimate body. The Shozasan faction recognised the Balak Empire as a refounded Great Horde in 1874, awarding Emperor Jimâşim I with all of the associated titles, following which the Shozasan Proclamation was made. The legitimacy of this title is disputed to this day.

As a result of X as stipulated in the Treaty of X, the Balak Empire entered a period of economic stagnation and socio-political turmoil, during which time the political status quo became threatened by Balkist uprisings. In 1921, Emperor Hazdamli I was assassinated by [name], a member of the Balkist insurgence group [name]. Following this, the Balak Revolution starting the same year saw the brief ousting of Jimâşim II and the temporary abolition of the Balak monarchy. X. With the support of Sannists led by Tayan Vaşnabaş, the monarchy was restored in a counter-coup. During the revolution, Sannist ideology began to soar in popularity among counter-revolutionary groups in the country, as well as other groups who wished to oppose the threat of Balkism. Coupled with political pressure placed on Jimâşim II from the Sannists themselves, this culminated in the appointment of Vaşnabaş as Prime Minister in 1925.


Yerec Pact


The Second Great Horde

1891 Constitution

In the aftermath of [TBD], concerns grew surrounding the potential partial or total collapse of the Balak Empire as a result of instability brought forth by economic or social issues as a result of the war. In 1891, the Imperial Assembly approved the introduction of a new constitution for the Balak Empire to address these concerns, which saw the creation of a unified federal structure in place of a more complicated network of constituent states, autonomous regions, personal unions, and land held directly by the Imperial Crown.. Under the 1891 Constitution, the Balak colonies were granted the status of constituencies. Torosha and Vaghan, which had previously enjoyed autonomy within the Empire, were additionally promoted to constituencies, while Sonka, which was technically still a distinct entity in a personal union under the Balak crown, was more closely integrated into the Imperial system as its own constituency. The resulting constituencies were Balakia, Vaghan, Torosha, Kunjut, Thuutia, Sonka, Kahamogo, Tuyo, Kaiyyo, and the Port Cities; the Imperial capital of Qerşeven remained outside of any constituency, and as such had no representation within the Imperial Assembly and was governed directly by Imperial law.

Each constituency was granted the right to self-governance, while the newly reformed Imperial Assembly would deal with internal trade, foreign relations, defense, promotion of the Zarasaist faith and values, and other issues that affected the entire federation. A framework was put in place wherein newly acquired territories would be administered directly from Qerşeven, eventually gaining the opportunity to apply for constituency status, as well as a mechanism for incorporating other countries into the federal system on the occasion that they petitioned to join. The latter mechanism was established primarily to facilitate expansion of the Empire within Vaniu.

In late 1897, the Gushli kingdom of Qabashan was integrated into the Balak Empire as a constituent.

White War

Great Ekuosian War






